Amazing Features
Clover+ has comprehensive features ranging from messaging support to a complete school management system
All the details of the students can be displayed including photo, parent details, teacher, details, address, class and contact number
Parents can obtain instant notification and view of the student attendance in the current academic year including present days and leaves.
Information regarding fee payable, payment status and dues for different fee types can be viewed and archived.

Create and publish a list of all examinations for the current academic year which will be visible to Teachers, Students and their parents using their respective logins.
You can track location of your vehicles through gps tracking system included in our software.
Parents receive regular updates and notifications from teachers and thus strengthen the parent-teacher relationship.

- You can manage all the information of Educator/Student from anywhere at any time..
- Provides a easy communication with Teachers, Parents, and Students.
- Student/Staff Bus locator
- Attendance of student and staff can be reported through the app.
- Teachers can mark students’ attendance through their mobile.
- Students can view their exam results through their mobile
This is an interactive mobile app for connecting the students, educators, parents and the management in a single window .All basic information like attendance, results, student/teachers info, etc. related to the school/college can be viewed and also helps in sharing resources in a user friendly interface. This app provides a secured web portal where the users can access the wide variety of services. The admin of this app can manage all the educators, students and parents along with the resources that are shared between them through this portal. This service is also extended to support mobile devices in a Personalized APP based version across all platforms. This app satisfies all the necessary features that a student or any other person related to the education field requires.

It's Awesome
Let's discuss topmost features that a school app must possess.
The school management app helps in notifying the parents about the latest happenings, news, updates, and notices.
The school mobile app has made the report generation work easier for the teachers.
The school mobile applications help in boosting the parent-teacher and student engagement.